Susan deCaussin, Mike deCaussin, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Siwa Murti, Reiki, Reflexology, Spiritual Guidance

Susan deCaussin
Welcome to the Inspired Messages page. It is my pleasure to share many of my channeled messages from Spirit with you. Click on whichever topic catches your eye and enjoy! You can also see video messages by viewing my TikTok account @SusandeCaussin.
Blessings, Susan

Susan is a staff writer for Body Mind Spirit Guide.
Click the links below to read some of her past articles.
Additional Writings
Simply click on the topic of interest, and you'll be directed to that writing
Affecting Positive Change - How the power of one person's thoughts and actions can affect change on a global scale.
Be What You Want to See - This writing will help you to be a catalyst for positive change.
Chart Your Course - Learn how to take control of your life with a different perspective.
Choosing Your Reality - Some words to help you take control of your "reality".
Changes - Struggling with an unexpected life change? See how to view these times differently.
Energy of Thoughts - Learn how a change in thought patterns can actually alter your current reality.
Dealing with Adversity - Coping with challenging life situations.
Living in Gratitude - This piece was conveyed to Susan through automatic writing.
Living in the Moment - A reminder of how to take control - by focusing on the "now" moment.
A New Direction for Me - A personal story of Susan's journey toward finding her life's passion.
Glance Back Before Looking Forward - Susan reflects back as a New year begins with an emphasis on the importance of perspective.
Your Most Valuable Possession - What is your most valuable possession? Shifting your focus from the material to the ethereal.
Released in 2020
Life is a Gift: Loving You
Life Is A Gift: Loving You is an inspired anthology released at the perfect time - when we need the courage to love. Each co-author shares their inspired wisdom and wealth of experience to guide readers to enhance and heal relationships with others as well as within themselves. Life Is A Gift: Loving You reveals methods to becoming self-aware, shares poetry and stories to reveal the truth of life and teaches to look at life from a different perspective.
Available on for Kindle or paperback version.

Healing Methods ®
Susan deCaussin, CHt & Mike deCaussin