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Susan deCaussin, Mike deCaussin, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Siwa Murti, Reiki, Reflexology, Spiritual Guidance


Since returning from Bali in March of 2020, Mike and I have been providing Siwa Murti healing sessions, remotely as well as from our Troy, Michigan office. We've seen some incredible, transformative healings and feel so humbled to witness, firsthand, such amazing sessions.

At the start of 2021, Mike became a full-time healer and started offering his services as a Clinical Reflexologist, Siwa Murti Practitioner and a Reiki Master, to Healing Methods clients. As we've been sharing our new Balinese skills with others, people around the country have been asking us when we'll begin teaching this powerful modality. Well, the time is NOW!

We're so very excited to announce that our Master Teacher, Ratu Nabe, in Bali, Indonesia, has chosen us to begin teaching Siwa Murti here in the U.S., so that we can begin to form a community of healers. Our vision is to form a group of Practitioners who can support each other, share experiences, travel to Bali for ongoing training with our Master Teacher, and provide charitable healing events in our communities.

The first 6 week training begins on Saturday, May 15. The next class is planned to begin in September 2021, and a waiting list is currently forming. We encourage anyone who's interested in learning more about Siwa Murti, and the upcoming class schedule, to reach out to us for more details.

It's amazing how much our lives have transformed over the past few years as we've moved into the role of full-time healers. Now, we're excited to enter this next chapter as we begin to share our knowledge and expertise with others.

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Writer's pictureSusan deCaussin

Updated: Jul 17, 2020

Learning to live in a different world

Our trip to Bali, Indonesia was like stepping into a different world....but, our return home, revealed a new world as well. Mike and I arrived back in Michigan on March 16, following a 31 hour trip around the planet, and found ourselves immersed in a new reality, unlike anything we had experienced before. We brought back an incredibly powerful healing modality to a time when people were being urged to stay at home and maintain social distancing. After all of that training, hands-on healing wasn't an option. We self quarantined and stayed in contact with our Siwa Murti classmates using video calls, but like everyone else, we were forced to place life on hold.

It's funny how, when your back is pressed up against a wall and change forces you to rethink the way you do things, the most wonderful and creative ideas can emerge. When everyone was hunkering down at home, we found new ways to stay connected and offered healing services using internet video tools. Those experiences opened us up to a world wide audience, and we now have clients and connections around the globe. Now that things in Michigan seem to be calming down a bit, we're getting back into the office to see clients face-to-face, but can also comfortably offer many of our services remotely as well.

The people of Bali made a lasting impression on us. The loving, selfless energy they possess is difficult to sum up in mere words. They begin each day with prayers of gratitude, offering food and flowers to the Gods. The Balinese people are constantly focused on kindness and, I can honestly say that over the course of our 11 day trip, none of the new friends that we made were anything short of gracious and humble.

We were afforded opportunities that mere tourists would never experience, being invited into ancient, spiritual ceremonies and blessings. The property surrounding every home is adorned with statues and shrines, as another sign of their devotion and gratitude. Even at our hotel, and all of the businesses that lined the streets, daily offerings of flowers and food were carefully placed and the smell of incense filled the air. Most impressively, on the roadways, which were packed with motor bikes zipping in and out of their lanes, not once did we witness any anger or road rage of any type. There was an underlying tone of peaceful surrender to the flow of each day. Even now as I close my eyes, I can be transported back to that beautiful energy.

I imagine we’ll return to Bali again, one day, and be reunited with our new friends there, so that we can deepen our healing practice. In the meantime, we continue to hold the Balinese people in our hearts through this turbulent time for the planet, and remain connected with them using online resources. Yes, even in Bali there’s Facebook! Lol!

Back here in Michigan, as we slowly move toward a new normal, I’m encouraging clients to take advantage of the services that Healing Methods provides to de-stress and release anxious feelings in order to maintain a state of health and well-being during this pandemic. We have now added Siwa Murti Healing and Clinical Reflexology to our list of available services, which also includes Clinical Hypnotherapy, Spiritual Guidance and Reiki Sessions. Let us help to determine which method of healing is right for you. As always, 15 minute consultations are complimentary.

Mike and I wish you and yours health and happiness. We are here to serve your needs, in person, by phone and through video conferencing. Namaste’ Susan

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Writer's pictureSusan deCaussin

As Mike and I prepare for our trip to Bali, Indonesia, we are filled with both excitement and anticipation. Having graduated from the Shiva Murti Healing Academy in Los Angeles in 2019, we are now headed to Bali for our formal initiation as Shiva Murti Practitioners. We'll be studying under our Master Teacher, Ratu Nabe, while being immersed in the culture and ceremonies indigenous to the area. Being on the exact opposite side of the planet, the travel will be grueling, but we are both anxiously looking forward to the opportunity of increasing our education, and our ability to channel higher levels of Universal healing energy. We are excited to be the only Practitioners of this powerful healing modality on this side of the country and can't wait to incorporate these techniques upon our return!

(click on the slideshow above for some pictures of Bali)

For more information, please feel free to reach out using the contact page on this website or by calling Healing Methods at (248) 759-6486. Healings are available in person and remotely.

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Healing Methods ®

Susan deCaussin, CHt & Mike deCaussin

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