Susan deCaussin, Mike deCaussin, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Siwa Murti, Reiki, Reflexology, Spiritual Guidance
Body Mind Spirit™ Articles
By Susan deCaussin
Every single one of us, at one point or another, wonders which path to take in life. Oftentimes we cry out for an answer, expecting it to appear before us like an email in our inbox. When we can’t hear the answer, it’s easy to get frustrated with the Universe and claim that we’re not being heard.
There are two important factors to keep in mind when this happens:
First, you should always know that you are not alone along this journey. You have many loved ones and guides who are constantly watching over you and providing whispers of assistance and encouragement. They place people and situations in front of you as subtle hints, to keep you moving in the right direction. However, if you don’t make time to quiet your mind of the busyness around you, you won’t be able to have the comfort of knowing which direction to turn. It’s like trying to take a phone call while in a noisy restaurant. You may catch a word, here or there, but the full meaning of the conversation will be lost. This is why it’s so important to set aside time, each and every day, to purposely quiet your mind, pose your questions, and then listen for the answer. It may not be as obvious as a face to face conversation with a friend, but with repetition, you’ll be able to feel subtle “knowings” that will help direct your decisions. Just like when people tell you to “trust your gut” or “listen to you intuition”, you’ll learn to pick up on those nuances and move forward with confidence.
Second, always keep in mind that any perceived difficulties you endure have been written into your life script to strengthen and educate you. Spend time evaluating those rough patches in life to extract the truths that were learned. Once you train yourself to see the positive that comes from those obstacles, you’ll begin to embrace the rough patches, knowing that you’ll come out of them much stronger, smarter and more sensitive to the needs of others during their own struggles. Remember, you wrote the script to this life adventure you’re on….so, take heart in knowing that these are experiences that you chose for yourself!
Most importantly, pay attention to your surroundings. When opportunities are placed in front of you and everything is moving along smoothly, you’ve been placed in the Divine flow of the Universe. If you constantly feel like you’re climbing up a steep hill and obstacles are being repeatedly dropped in your path, more than likely you’re going against that Divine flow and need to slow down, quiet yourself daily, and listen to those subtle words of direction that Spirit is whispering in your ear.
There is nothing greater than living in the flow of the Universe. Give yourself the gift of peace by allowing Spirit to provide Divine guidance to your daily life.
Copyright 2016
Healing Methods ®
Susan deCaussin, CHt & Mike deCaussin