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Susan deCaussin, Mike deCaussin, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Siwa Murti, Reiki, Reflexology, Spiritual Guidance

What is Siwa Murti?

Susan and Mike deCaussin began their training in the healing art of Siwa Murti (also known as Shiva Murti) in 2019 - a form of energy healing which originated in Bali, Indonesia.  It’s relatively new to our country, and they were the pioneering couple who introduced this practice to the state of Michigan.  They are now part of an elite group in the U.S. who have been certified to practice this modality. Susan and Mike have also been appointed to teach Siwa Murti by their Master Teacher, Dr. Ratu Nabe.

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During the sessions, clients are fully clothed, and rest comfortably on a massage table. Using gentle pressure, on specific trigger points in the body, energetic blocks are identified and cleared. Universal healing energy is channeled into the client which assists the body in the natural healing process. Regular sessions can remove energetic blocks, before problems have a chance of surfacing.

The treatment generally takes less than 30 minutes to complete, and some people experience a sense of warmth, coolness or tingling, as the energy is being transferred. Many clients report continued healing over days following a session, as Siwa Murti appears to temporarily accelerate the body's healing ability. Susan and Mike are experienced in providing sessions in-person and remotely, with the use of pictures and/or video conferencing tools. 


The deCaussins began studying Siwa Murti in the U.S., then traveled to Bali, Indonesia to continue their training in a Balinese Hospital with their Master teacher, Dr. Ratu Nabe. They were among the second group of Americans to graduate from the Siwa Murti Bali School.


Susan and Mike are so excited to now offer this powerful healing modality through Healing Methods! 

The western world is only beginning to understand the benefits of energy medicine. As these modalities are closely studied, and physiological changes are being documented using mainstream diagnostic testing,  treatment options are expanding for those in need of healing. 

Are you called to be a healer?

Siwa Murti Training

Healing Methods offers two ways to learn Siwa Murti Balinese Energy Healing (aka Shiva Murti): through organized classes and private tutoring sessions!  The training you want, the knowledge you're seeking - scheduled to fit easily into your life!  This is a unique opportunity to be trained by two certified and experienced Siwa Murti Practitioner/Teachers who studied directly under the Master Teacher, Dr. Ratu Nabe in Bali, Indonesia.

Training is offered in a 6 session format and students can attend in-person (at our Troy, Michigan office) or via Zoom video conferencing.  Tutored students have the flexibility of comfortably fitting those sessions into their schedule at times that are most convenient for them. 

Pre-registration is available for those interested in reserving a spot in an upcoming class. A small deposit will hold your spot.  Classes are limited to 10 students for a personalized experience.   For details concerning upcoming classes, click HERE.  For more info about tutoring sessions and group classes, connect with Susan & Mike using the contact form; email; or call/text  (248) 759-6486. 


"I had been suffering from chronic migraine for over a decade - had gone to neurologists, been prescribed several different medications, gotten botox injections, did acupuncture & was going to a chiropractor once a week for years. Nothing really put a dent in the pain level or frequency of them. I contacted Susan & Mike, within 3 sessions the migraines are almost a non-issue. I'm so grateful for what they've done!" Gina S.

* As a sidenote, this client's sessions were all done using video conferencing

As a fellow energy healer, I was intrigued when Susan offered to help me with a knee injury by using Siwa Murti, an Indonesian energy healing technique that I had never heard of. I am open to all kinds of energy work, but I have to say that I have never personally felt results like I did after this 20 minute session.

I had hyperextended my right knee to the point of hearing terrible popping sounds, experiencing excruciating pain, and not being able to walk or put any weight on it. The pain was radiating down to my ankle and up to my hip. I was also suffering from some lymph issues. I posted something about it on Facebook, and Susan, one of my friends, messaged me asking if she could help.

She and her husband Mike, both trained in this method, worked on me remotely over the phone, and with a photo of my knee. As they worked, I felt warming sensations in parts of my leg, and movement in my knee. At one point, my fingers began to tingle, and I asked if I could help by adding Reiki to the mix. They agreed and we focused on my hip as well. In the moment, the feelings ranged from subtle to intense. I really noticed the difference most the next day.

When I woke up in the morning, much of the pain had left my knee, and I could stand on it much more easily. I could bend it, where I could not before. As the day went on, the leg felt better and better. I would even say I overdid the exertion, but I am packing to move house and it was necessary. Regardless, the pain was still so much better than it had been! I elevated it, iced it, and went to bed. The next day, and each hereafter, my knee has felt better and better.

I did notice an intense detoxing in my lymph and this did cause some of the normal symptoms that come with detoxing, but after two days, I felt better than I have in months. I continue to feel better and better.

Siwa Murti, and the experience I had with Susan and Mike, were both amazing. I did not expect such extreme results! I am thrilled to have my leg working so well as I continue to prepare for my move.

Thank you so much, Susan and Mike!    Jeanette Micallef

I met Susan at a retreat in Sedona. I had mentioned to her that I had fell at work several months back and that I was still having severe pain in my lower back, hip, even after months of physical therapy and a couple of steroid injections. I was headed to the airport, and only had a minute to spare, when Susan offered to see if she could help with my pain. She had me sit in a chair, close my hands and went to work for only a few moments. She told me to let her know when I started my feel anything. About a minute in, I started experiencing muscle twitching and spasms. The degree of it continued to increase substantially. I saw (with my eyes closed) inside of me what looked like a light of energy being drawn from my hip. The energy release was so intense that that it was released out as an intense shock from my hip to her hands, that were about a foot away from me. I had no pain in that area for two days in only a total of only 3 minutes of work. I can’t imagine how amazing and quick I could heal and have energy released, if I could have see Susan for a full session. Unfortunately for me, she is in Michigan and I am in Missouri. Thank you Susan for the work that you do and how connected you are to the life force energy.

Warm Regards, Katie M., Kansas City, MO

Video Testimonial

Even Siwa Murti Practitioners have amazing testimonials to the tremendous power of this ancient healing modality.  Watch the video above to hear how remote healing intervened during an emergency situation involving Mike deCaussin. It's nothing short of awe inspiring.

*Energy therapy is a natural method of energy balancing, but is not meant as a substitute for medical or psychological, diagnosis and treatment.  Energy practitioners do not diagnose conditions, nor do they perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. Energy therapy or any other natural healing therapy should not compete with medical doctors and their treatments. All therapies are meant to complement medical treatments.   *Click here for full legal disclaimer.


**The guidance provided by Healing Methods is not intended to, nor should it ever, take the place of any medical, legal, financial, traditional psychological, or other professional advice.

Healing Methods ®

Susan deCaussin, CHt & Mike deCaussin

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